News from the Blog

Yawn !... what year is it ?..... 2020 ?!?!?.... i'd better get cracking then !

Added: February 23, 2020, 2:27 pm

Well looky here you beautiful people !.... my annual hibernation is over... ( its something that a lot of people do in the entertainment industry once the festive ....erm ....festivities have ended... but we don't just sleep y'know !, oh no.... we get busy with holidays, conventions and new projects for the coming year... sooooooo.... heres a few pics of what I've got up to and they include a weeks holiday to New York where I visited the oldest magic shop in NYC among many other places, my annual sojourn to The Blackpool Magicians Convention where i met up with old aquaintances, behaved myself impeccably and had a thoroughly bloody lovely weekend and finally I can say that my new project for 2020 is almost complete in the shape of BOND'S BUNCO BOX !... It's already booked for 5 festivals this year !.... I'll keep you posted on its progress and I'm looking forward to adding another dedicated page on this hallowed site.

All I would say is this, moving forward into 2020 don't leave your entertainment requirements till the last minute because I hate to let anyone down ... and you wouldn't want to settle for second best would you ?..... I'm here for you folks !....just drop me a line.

See you soon.x

View of Empire State from Rockerfella Plaza
Its hidden away...naturally...but us magicians know where it is !
Nothing to see here at The Blackpool Magicians Convention ... move along ....
The ever hilarious Mick Miller
Privileged to help out at the Dobbo and friends show at BMC
Never too busy to oblige with a bit of magic when asked !
THE only one in existence !.. ladies and gentlemen... I give you ... BOND'S BUNCO BOX !